eClub Member Rate
Stay your way at A by Adina by becoming a member of eClub.
When booking direct through our website, you’ll unlock an exclusive eClub Member Rate which includes a complimentary benefit of your choice to enjoy during your stay.
Stay your way at A by Adina by becoming a member of eClub.
When booking direct through our website, you’ll unlock an exclusive eClub Member Rate which includes a complimentary benefit of your choice to enjoy during your stay.
To join eClub and begin experiencing the benefits, book now.
All prices are quoted in hotels' local currency and are per room, per night. Rates are subject to availability, exclude peak periods and can change without notification due to fluctuations in charges and currency. A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates. Discount is not applicable for any additional guests over the standard room occupancy. Blackout dates, advance purchase restrictions, specific stay date restrictions, booking date restrictions or minimum night stays may apply. You may cancel your booking up until 2pm the day before arrival. For full booking terms and conditions go to
Stay your way at A by Adina by becoming a member of eClub.
When booking direct through our website, you’ll unlock an exclusive eClub Member Rate which includes a complimentary benefit of your choice to enjoy during your stay.
A staycation offer just for you, including overnight accommodation and an indulgent breakfast, the perfect way to start your day.
Perfectly suited from ‘Hi’ to ‘Goodbye.’ Stay your way and discover a place that’s perfectly you.
What are you waiting for?
Add a little ‘wow’ to your stay with the ultimate city staycation.